miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2018

Free time activities

Well, when I have free time, I usually listen music, write in my diary, read books (although I can't do this activity, for the time that I l lose in the journey to my house or to the university), write things in relation to the music that I listen, learn new things , or simply I do nothing (in my opinion the free time, can be a time for a retrospective or time for a relaxing, I really need relaxing time). This last are the most common activity that I do.
I usually do this activities in the place where I'm. For example, if I travel to my house I try to write in my cellphone that I feel, that I thought, how was my day, I really try to write my emotions and how I feel (because I don't like to talk about this).I do this since I have memories, my dad tell me that when I was a child (around 2-3 years), I was taking a book and was simulating to read. After, while I was grow up, I write my memories (like every person, I was have a diary of life) and I wrote my feelings and thought. Now, I write in a notebook or a cellphone, every that I feel, that I thought (my darkest and deepest desires and thoughts).
I really like to do this activities, because I think that in this society, we share unnecessary things, with unnecessary people, besides I think that time are only for my, for this reason I do this things alone, because I think that I don't need share all my life with people who don't care for my life, or how I feel, or what I thought.

I hope to see you soon, and your days can be happy <3

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2018

A Future Place...

I really love the winter, I think that is the most beautiful station, I love the cold weather, the rain, the snowflakes, took a lot of cups of coffee/tea, you can be in the bed all day and you not die in the attempt... I really love everything. For this I think that the country that I really like, for live is Finland, in this country have long winter, they can enjoy with the snowflake since 3 months (in the south) to 7 months (in the north). The problem are that in winter the sun don't shine like Chile, and the weather are so different but I think that I can accustomed to the weather. All for the see the aurora borealis, I really love they. 
Besides to the weather Finland have the most high standard for the education in the world, I think that this is more important for the kids, also the children can be independent in a short time, in comparative with Chile, and they can study that they wanted, and is free, in Chile in spite of the law, the politics or any things we can't study, for money, for the salary that I can receive when I finish my career, and any factors. Obviously,in Chile you too study that you can, but is a little bit complicated, the economic factor is the most influential. And just in case, when you be mother the state give you a box with implements for the baby, and for a 1 year you receive your salary. Also in the most of cities you can travel free when you travel with your baby.

In a political plan they have a most low level in the corruption. And the delinquency are so low. This are the facts that I know of Finland, and by this I really love <3.

Also I really like the forest and the rivers, and Finland have approximately a 70% of this, and we walk, run make all that you wanted (obviously you can't damaged the ecosystem). And they have the most clear air in the world.

I like to know the Helsinki Cathedral, I think is so beautiful. 
Are Iglu hotels
I really like to live in there, but is a little complicated, because I don't talk the Finnish nor Swedish, the 2 official idioms of the country. But is a really beautiful place, beautiful people, all is beautiful in Finland. In Finland I can job in any thing, and earn sufficient money to live comfortably.

Pd: I think this is beautiful and unnecessary.

Best holidays

Well, to say the truth, all the time with my family are fabulous, I really like to pass my free time, my vacation time with they. But t...