miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2018

Music in my life :c

Hello Everyone, today I will talk about music or movies (really, I don't want to talk about this; today I want to write about books, but this topic don't won the votation).

So, I decided to write about the music that I listen. I listen to many type of music, my like are very varied, Latin, trap (and similar), rap, hip-hop, classic rock, rock in Spanish , old/new K-pop, sad music(?), Hawaiian music, soul, gospel, classic, music of the past, and others hahaha, I don't know well. Really I can listen any type and likes me, all depend of my mood. I think that this is so important for me "I'm passionate man, I really mean what I'm writing" (therapy session-NF, this is one of my favourites songs), the music are more than entertainment, it is assumed that the music must to represent something, tell something, express things that I can't express with words, my feelings, my thoughts, I don't know... the music are so amazing, and I think is more than entertainment. For me, the music are art (I know, it sounds a cliché), for some people, is a reason to live (therapy session from NF, is about this). For this reason I really likes NF, he explain the most that I think about the music.

Also of this, I really love the k-pop especially the old, I really love SuperJunior, B2ST, 2ne1, SS501, BoyFriend, U-kiss, and any other, some of these groups no longer exist as in the beginning, they have separated or they have left members. It's so sad, see how your favourite group suffer a separation. But, just like this is the life. From the currently K-pop, I usually don't listen, but I really dislike BTS, I don't know why, all I know is that I "hate" they. I think that the new k-pop sound soo repetitive, I think that the old groups reinvent themselves is most valuable, that the boom that BTS  has achieved, or any modern group have, because is real they are the most popular of the genre, but this it does not make them the best, I think the best groups, are they that can reinvent and continue make good music (maybe little, but always the real fans are going to support them :c) Well, I hope, the armys, don't hate me. But the aren't not the best for me.

Well, this is all for today.

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2018

Postgraduate studies c:

Hello everyone how are you today? In this opportunity I wanna talk about the postgraduate studies🎓, for be sincere I never have thinking this before, but today I must to thinking, is for this that I decide to continue my studies with a specialist course, in Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Care💊💉. After to read all offer in this area, this call me attention and to make my fall in love.😍😍
I wanna to take this because I think is important to know and be a expert in this area, because we have the life of the people in our hands. I wanna to know more and more about Neurology and Psychiatry and Emergencies, I think this areas are so important; above all Psychiatry, because the people of the world suffer so many psychiatric problems, and I wanna help to the people, and for my, this is a very well way to help to the people. I think that for me, the better is study in Chile, because I don't like to stay far of my family (my psychological problems, can't help me with this hahaha).
I like to learn in practical way, and this can to combine the theoretical with the practical, I think this is the best <3, but I read that this course is make in evening hours, and for take this I must to live close than Santiago, and today I live "far" of Santiago.

miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2018

The Uncertain Future

Hello everyone! (humans, aliens, reptilians, fairies, witches, etc)
Today I write about the future... When I was a child (and adolescent, to tell the truth, a few days ago), I never was to think about the job that I like to realise in the future, because I like to live every day, like unique and like if the last...
But before yesterday, I've think to make a humanist courses (maybe politics sciences, history, or any) and focus it in the Pharmaceutical area, I think that is necessary, the most of the ministers that work in the health area are doctors, but what tell about pharmacy. I think that this faculty have good professional to the health area, will contribute to the country with good Pharmaceuticals, Biochemical, Food Engineer, and good scientific (students of Chemical), but to the minority of the students, likes the area of the politic pharmaceutical, or sanitary politic, for this I think that I will like to work in this area, and help for other ways to the country, and the future colleagues. I think is a good dream, but is difficult to make...because first I need experience. For this I think to work in a pharmacy, maybe open my own pharmacy, and help to the people of low resources, I don't want profit with the health of the grandparents, or the people that really need help (well, in really with neither person),  I think to make a rolling pharmacy, and go where the people need to the farthest villages, where the big pharmacies do not arrive, and help to the people, I don't think in the salary, I want to have money to eat, and reinvest in the "rolling - Pharmacy", because I think that the more important thing is help to the world. But I want to complete the career and make additional courses about the health of the people, for make a complete professional, and will help in the best way to the people (If I will marry with a doctor that think the same, this can be a easy work, we can be the perfect combination hahahaha).
well, I hope to you have a good week, see you later c:

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2018

Thing I hate and like, of the university

Today I have to write about... the things that I HATE and LIKE about the university (or my career)  first, I really likes the university, the life are so relaxing, are so beauty (this is a little lie)... I think that the University life are so stressful, I really dislike the life style, long journey to the home, the free hours ("windows"), is so tired, but I really like that you learn about things that you really love, something so different to the scholar life, where you study all type of thing (subjects that, for someone are so boring)

Until today (november 7) I don't have a bad experience in the University or in my career, but I have a lot of good experiences, for mention one, I remember "tutoría par integral", where the same students of superior grades teach you, and (some) help you to get used for the university life. I think that this is a really good instance, where you learn about the university subject and also you can learn about this new phase of the life, and how make study habits (personally, i don't know what is my studied method, if you know some, you can comment this blog and help this miserable life; I and my future, we would appreciate).
I think that the University need more green areas, if well, I recognise we have more green areas than the last year, but I think that with more areas the faculty can be beauty, I think that the green areas are so relaxing, and embellish the planet. (this is so easy to solve, the authorities only need add more green areas, but I think that it's maybe possible that the students don't care the areas, and it ends up drying the grass, or the flowers).On the other land, I like that the faculty are small, because of this way, you don't delays in the passing to go to the next subjects, you lost the minus time in this path, specially in the morning, when you have a delayed because of transantiago, subway, interurban bus, etc. 

I hope you have a beauty week <3, and 
luck in the tests

Best holidays

Well, to say the truth, all the time with my family are fabulous, I really like to pass my free time, my vacation time with they. But t...