miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2018

Problems of the World/How do a better place to live :c

Today I write about opinions, in really way, I hide my opinion, I don't like to talk of this. But, well, today is the day for talk about this.

First, I wanna to talk about the recycling, I think that this is so important, the world are so contaminated, and we like the "intelligent beings and superior", we must to take care of the world, because we are the animals that more contaminated the world, with the industries, cars, throw garbage in not appropriate place (like oceans, lands), spend more natural resource that we need, etc, in general the human contaminated and profit with all, the nature it's no a exception. And I think that with the recycling we can "decrease" the damage that we make to the earth, I know that the human will continued with the damage, and to see real changes, all humans (parasites of the world) must to recycle. We can't to take like a option, we must to take the recycling like a reality, if we would like to live for more years in the earth, we must to take care about the earth that God give us.

Other them that include a the world, are the child labour, I remember when I was a child, all that I wanted to do are play with friends or family, learn new things. I remember my grandmother, she was the eldest sister, and with 9 years, she must to leave her home and come to Santiago and do maid labour, for take care of her little brothers. I think, in the past the life are more complicated, the salary are miserable and more "acceptable" that the children had to do labour that not correspond with his age. But now, the life are "simple" and no child should to work, the childhood are a beauty phase, the unique preoccupation that the children should to have are about his games, his friends. I think that the developed countries must to take care about the countries that have a child labour, help they, I don't know how, but I think that is necessary. All that I know, is that the children must to learn, for a good future, they must to progress, and the education help with this.

About the violence in the TV, I think that the world are so aggressive and egotistical, for example yesterday I travel in the subway to the university, and I see a pregnant (peak hour), I was think the people was to take care with she, but no. The humans, of this time only think in his wellness, in his satisfaction, we don't think in the human  that are in my side. We see the violence like a normal thing, we have normalised it so much, in child play kill other humans for money, a big part of the news that we see are violence (robberies, murders, rapes) and we see this like "it's so sad". The only way to change this is with education, if we teach to the child that is only a game, the things are solve with a calm dialogue, we can begin a change. About the adults, young people that are in jail, we can't change their way of thinking, the labour reinsertion are almost impossible, the prisoners prefer to stay in the jail, they have a food (much better that the people that are in the labour world), a place for sleep, is true they live crammed, they can't vote, but with any president they have the same "rights", with the basic (maybe minus) hygiene, but for some reason the people prefer to stay in the jail. I don't say it, science says it.

The last "problem" that I meeting, are the animals, if well they are not a problem, humans who don't take good care of them are a problem. For example street dogs, I think that the solution aren't killing they. I think that the real solution is educate to the people with a responsible possession. With the animals that are in the street in this moment I think the solution are sterilise them and deworm them. With this measure, we avoid to have more street animals, and take a little care with the animals that exist in this moments, because they are innocents, the human is the unique guilty.


Well, like final thought I wanna tell that I think, that the unique guilty of all the problems of the world, are the humans. So, the humans must to change for make a real change <3

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